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I just moved into a new place last month and it's ALL tile. Tile isn't necessarily bad, but I do like having a little cushion for my feet! While looking for an affordable, attractive area rug, I kept coming up with items that were way out of budget or butt-ugly. So, I sat down and thought about what I could do. I didn't want wool, cause my dog finds wool delicious. I did want something modern looking, simple, and easy to clean...What was I to do?! I came up with this little idea after seeing something that inspired me on HGTV. You can put so many spins on this! * if you want a specific color, you can get white rugs and dye them cheaply with rit dye. The possibilities are endless! |
First, I bought two rugs at Ikea that were actually in the bathroom section. They're $9.99 each, nubby texture, and they have a sticky bottom, so they won't slip on tile! Perfect! These come in several colors, too! |
I took some random embroidery thread (I used white, it doesn't show through) and threaded it through a needle. Then, I simply whipstitched the rugs together. You could make an area rug or a runner out of these types of rugs. Make sure to knot your knots tightly! |
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The past year or so of my life has found me in some interesting financial pickles. Although these have not been very fun, I’ve taken the opportunities to become more creative with what little I have, and how to stretch it even further than I was before. After many harsh realizations of how little money I really do have, I was shocked into a budget. This was hard, but now I’m realizing that it’s for the best, and I’m way ahead of most people my age financially, even though I’m making way less than them.
I was quite accustomed to splitting the bills with my ex-boyfriend…however, when things went sour, and we broke up, I was the one who ended up keeping the apartment while he left. This doubled my financial burden every month, and this was a major shock to me. I was still spending as though I only had to pay half of what I actually was. Stupid, stupid, stupid me. This was a hard lesson learned in itself – not only about relationships, but with my own personal finances. I am thankful, though, as it’s forced me to be more creative and to take new financial routes and risks.
Regardless of how much money you make, start saving now! Whether you make minimum wage or $30/hr, saving is the smartest thing you can do with your money. Try to find a high yield savings account or a money market account with a high APY (annual percentage yield). If you put $5 or $50 in it a month, it’s something. This will accrue interest, and grow over time. Your money is making money for you. I started out with a few hundred dollars less than a year ago, and I have $20 taken out of my account automatically every single month. I don’t even notice. It does it underneath my nose. Now, I’ve gained nearly $200 since then from the bits of $20 and interest. How cool is that? I can raise the amount taken out or make individual deposits. If I ever get money for an occasion, I deposit it in my bank account, and then transfer it to my money market account. This is excess money that I know I’ll do something stupid with, so I’m putting it to good use instead of buying a records or dinner out. I’ll be very glad I have this money set aside in case of an emergency, or possibly later on when I’m looking to retire or something. I don’t plan on touching it. Take my advice on this – you’ll be happy you did. Starting a nest egg as soon as possible is the best thing you can do for yourself later on. I know many of our parents do not have much savings, and it’s sad that people are retiring later and later in life. Do you want to work until you’re 80? I don’t think so.
When I realized I was living outside of my means, I started a strict budget. I started this by saving my receipts and realizing what I was spending my money on. My grocery bills were equal to what I was spending on clothes. My ebay bills were even higher. I was spending more on records than food. Yikes! So, to keep myself in check, I started using expensr, an online money management tool that makes keeping track of your spending painless. At the end of each week, I take all my saved receipts and plug them into this to see how much I’m spending each month compared to my paychecks. This has worked quite well to make sure I’m living within my means.
It’s so easy to swipe a card and not think about it. If you want a more extreme budget, stop using your debit card. Set an amount for how much you want to spend for a week or month. Take that out of the ATM in cash, and only spend cash. Forking over cash and seeing how much you have left is a physical reminder to stay within your means.
When you split utilities, it’s not a huge deal. However, when you live alone, you have to be a bit more conscious, as a $150 electric bill SUCKS. So, I started looking into how I could save on utilities and my living situation.
Be more environmentally friendly. It’s simple, good for the environment, and cheaper for you.
Places like Ikea and some hardware stores have options to lower your utilities. Although they may be a tad more expensive, they’ll save you more than you’re spending. I’m a big fan of Ikea’s light bulbs. Although they’re not as bright as conventional light bulbs, they last years, and really do make a difference on your bill.
- Try going for energy star appliances if you’re in the market.
- Lower the temperature on your fridge & freezer.
- Adjust the temperature on your thermostat, especially when you’re not home (or turn it off completely when you’re not home). In the summer, I keep mine at 79*f at almost all times. If I get warm, I turn on the fan. The A/C sucks up a TON of energy, and I want cool air in the room I’m in, not all over the house.
- Run energy-sucking appliances outside of peak hours. Write down peak hours per season on a sticky note and stick them to these appliances as a reminder. Do your laundry during non-peak hours. Do it back to back. Dryers are more efficient when ran back to back, as they don’t have to heat up to a certain temperature over and over.
- Maintain your electronics and appliances. Clean them out, fix them, get them checked up on. This will save you money down the line, and will keep them more energy efficient.
- Unplug things!! Everything that's plugged into an active outlet is taking up a little bit of electricity. Electronics are huge culprits. Do you really need 50 LED clocks going in your house at once? Think about it - you're paying for that little clock to glow all day. It's not necessary. Even things that aren’t physically showing they’re sucking energy are. Put things in power strips, and have them attached to on/off switches to a room. This will save you tons, and it’s easier to turn everything off when you leave the room.
- Put your computer on sleep mode. This is very easy, and can save you about $30 on your electric bill – and save your computer! All you have to do (if you’re running windows) is go into control panel, click “Display”, and go on the “Screen Saver” tab. There should be a monitor area, click the “power” button. On the “power schemes” tab, there’s a field to put your system on standby. I have mine to go to standby after 15 minutes. You can also manually put your system on standby by clicking “turn off computer” on your start menu and clicking “standby”. This doesn’t affect your computer at all, but it saves a TON of energy and wear on your computer.
- Use fans and space heaters instead of kicking on the A/C or heater. You really don’t need the whole house to be one temperature. Also, if you’re putting them on when you’re sleeping, or you’re on a tight budget, get one with a timer on it.
Also, if you’re in the market of moving, try to find a place that includes extras, such as utilities, internet, cable, whatever. This can cut off a tremendous amount of your utilities. Say you spend $100 on your electric. Get a place that includes utilities, that’s like saving $1200 a year, if not more. If your rent is about $700 a month, that’s nearly two months free rent. See where I’m going? These places are out there, you just have to look hard. It’s really worth it in the long run. Try looking for guest houses in peoples’ back yards (which can be rather nice!) or duplexes on craigslist. Let everyone you know that you’re looking for someplace new. You may come up in conversation and they’ll find a place for you!
Nothing is more empowering than learning something new each day. I don’t care how long you’ve been in school – learn something new each day. Being smart about living your life and how to get things done is priceless. If you do things correctly the first time, that technically saves you money, as “time is money”.
Lately, I’ve been really getting into blogs that have tidbits of very useful information. A few of my favorites are Lifehacker, The Consumerist, Design*Sponge, Ikea Hacker, Not Martha, and occasionally, Jezebel. There are blogs about EVERYTHING out there if you just look. I’m discovering new ones all the time. I must tell you – I’ve learned a lot about saving money, achieving goals, managing my day job, and just general things to make life easier for me. Give ‘em a try. I have them assigned on days on my firefox’s morning coffee plugin (another great little thing that I learned about from a blog!)
Another piece of advice I have is GO TO SCHOOL. Going to school will earn you more money in the long run, and with the way the job market in the United States is going, you’ll pretty much have to have a degree to get a decent job by the time you’re middle aged. Going to school will open new experiences, new people, and new opportunities (ahem, dream job through your internship?) to you. I was only meaning to take off a year between high school and college, but here it is three years later and I’m in the middle of getting my FAFSA processed. Look for loans, grants, and financial aid. There IS a way out there you can manage it – just look into it and DO IT. It’ll be worth it in the long run. High school graduates – DON’T WAIT!! It’s harder to get back than you think.
Do your research – on everything. With the blessing of sweet lady internet, you can know everything about anything you want. I always do my research on things before jumping into them…Anything I’ll be buying, anywhere I’ll be going, I scour the internet for the best deals on flights, recommendations on jobs, places to go, restaurants to go to, coupons for everything….it’s so easy, it just takes you a little time. Going into any sort of situation with some prior knowledge doesn’t hurt. Going into a store with a ton of coupons certainly never hurt your wallet.
If you’re one to travel, sign up for your favorite airline’s frequent flyer program. It may take a while to get something, but it’s worth it. There’s also all sorts of places online where you can earn free rewards by taking surveys (e-rewards and e-miles). It’s that easy. Also, there actually ARE decent credit cards out there that earn you miles. American Express has a great one. Check it out.
Also, if you're under the age of 25 or a student, check out STA travel. STA travel is awesome - I went in and booked, chatted with the agent, was generally friendly and he gave me a HARDCORE hookup and saved me over $120!!!!
If you patronize any mom & pop shop or any sort of artisan (like a tattoo artist), spread the word about them. Take their business cards. Let them know you support them and love what they do, and you’ll be a faithful patron of theirs. I let record shops, little clothing stores, and tattoo artists know that I fully support them. I do take their business cards and hand them out to people all the time. They notice this – trust me. I get discounts like mad from some places. My tattoo artist appreciated me recommending people, so he gave me great prices on my work. Record stores appreciate me sending people their way. I get a little discount here and there (and some stuff set aside). Little clothing stores let me know they’re putting in an order, and ask if I’d like anything in particular (at wholesale price). Be nice. Be supportive. Be their own personal sales rep. You’ll reap the benefits, and be promoting small business owners, which is great, especially if you like to “stick it to the man”.
If you have a pet – I only suggest taking them to the vet for their annual and if health issues arise. For shots and everything, there are clinics at petco and petsmart where you can get shots for less than half the price than at the vet. I wish I had known this when I got Bella – I was paying nearly $100 a month when she was a puppy taking her for her shots at the vet every month!
Also, with your pets – do preventative maintenance. Get heartguard and frontline. These will protect your pet and keep from unneeded heartache and vet bills. Also, I suggest taking a look at your pet food. What are the main ingredients? Most foods have lots of carbohydrates as their main ingredient. Most animals cannot be healthy off of that. I HIGHLY recommend trying out Nutro and Dick Patten’s pet foods. They may be more expensive, but you’ll definitely see a happier, healthier pet who loves mealtime. Take care of your animals!
This is going to sound crazy…but this is my new favorite thing:
CVS takes returns on EVERYTHING. I love it. I no longer shop in fear that foundation won’t match, that face wash will sting, that deodorant will smell funky and I’ll lose my hard earned dollar. Their policy is that if you’re not happy, you can return it. Have your receipt, (you’re saving your receipts, no?) and it’ll go faster. There are a few other stores out there that do this as well – such as Ulta. Shop at these stores, and don’t add to your massively growing collection of shampoos under your sink.
Speaking of shampoos…and lotions and other girly stuff. How much do you really have? Probably way more than you need. Use all of what you have before you buy more. Wasting is like throwing away money. Would you throw away a $5 bill? Of course not! Use what you have, and then buy some. I’m still chipping away at my Bath & Body works collection that I accumulated from their last giant sale when lotions were $1. I regret buying all that. It’ll take me ages to use that much lotion.
Don’t get more than you need. It may be a better deal to buy a gallon of Listerine…but seriously…be honest with yourself! Yeah, you’ll use it…but it’ll take you three years. Giant bottles may be a great deal, but buy within your means.
Staying within your means applies to many things with shopping. Some things may seem like a better deal, but please, ask yourself – “Do I really need this much/many?”. Get singles on photos. Buy singular or 3 packs of undies. Buy only a 10 pack of pens. Buy a 500 sheet pack of paper (instead of the giant boxes). You may use all of it, but how long will it take? If it’s food or beauty supplies (as in, buy one get one free), it may go bad. Keep that in mind.
I think the secret to living on the cheap with beauty (aside from the returning tip above) is keeping low maintenance. Try Veet (at your own risk, only get sensitive formulas) so you only have to shave once every ten days. Get long lasting lipstick. If you use tanner, get the gradual lotion (basically streak free and moisturizes!). Just keep it simple. I’m sure you don’t want to be wasting time getting ready or shaving or anything when you could be doing better things. Plus, I guess guys find chicks who spend three hours getting ready to be high maintenance kinda annoying and unattractive.
So, with all that said, these have been some of the lessons I’ve learned on trying to live a low maintenance, cheaper life. I hope these tips have helped you!
Sadly, this is not a reality.
It seems that in the years I've been involved in this subculture, I've seen women become more or so "frienemies" rather than a stable support system to eachother. This deeply saddens me, as I too have seen this first hand. I guess I am perpetually naive to this, or just hopelessly optimistic to find nice women who are looking for sisterhood through music. I am not saying all females are like this, but there are quite a few out there who are.
What causes this? Why does it happen? Who are these females? I'm going to go forward and explain my views and opinions on this subject. These are strictly my opinions based on my own personal experiences so you are more than welcome to disagree.
Although a lot of teens come into a subculture looking to rebel and be non-conformist, they are just joining another form of conformity and rules. These "tribes" have their own sets of rules and dress within themselves. There are usually unspoken rules of how to act, and who holds what seniority. This does vary from subculture to subculture, but they all have the basic skeleton from subculture to subculture.
Those whom have been "in" for the longest usually have the utmost respect, and typically, they feel they have the right to put those younger and less senior "members" in their place. Women have a similar yet very different set of rules. Women cut each other down almost endlessly.
Womens rules in these youth cults are those in the same to men, however, I feel that they are much more harsh. Typically, it all starts out with how you got in. Usually, it's one of the two - you got in on your own will or from your boyfriend. If you got in from your boyfriend, the rest of the local scene usually knows, as you showed up on the arm of Johnny Subculture at a random gig. If this is the case, respect for you is typically next to nothing - even if you truly do become part of the subculture in the long run - guy or not. You'll almost always be known as so-n-so's girlfriend or ex-girlfriend. Men do not have this problem. They do not have to deal with derogatory names such as"oi toy", "scene whore", or something similar to that. This sexism runs rampant from both males and females. This in itself starts vicious cycle of women's roles in youth cults.
Youth cult or not, women tend to run in cliques and groups of friends in which they trust those few friends and hardly anyone else. I often hear young women from every cultural, social, and ethnic background say, "women are such bitches, I can't stand them!"
Although they've made a few friends, what prevents their clique from being "bitches" to each other? Again, youth cult or not - women tear each other down and can be harshly judgmental to each other to their faces or behind their backs. The sport of tearing down other females isn't a pretty one, but it is often played. In my personal opinion, I honestly think women who tear others down for no apparent reason is just a verbal venting of their own short comings and insecurities. To me, those who bash on other people who have not done anything to them are just insecure cowards trying to build themselves up by tearing others down. In the subcultural view, I often think that this happens because some women are not 100% comfortable with themselves and the role they play within a subculture. They often come off as they have the world to prove to others. The "pros" of the bashing game for one whom plays is typically to brag about how many girls they've driven away. This, I think, is a result of the need to be an alpha female.
Socially speaking, a woman with lots of male attention is considered highly desirable - appearances aside. If a female in a niche culture is surrounded mainly by men, logically, she should have plenty of potential mates and attention - boosting her ego, esteem, and popularity amongst males. This makes her an alpha female. Competition gets ripped down without a second thought. Typically, she will do just about anything to keep this status.
This is highly detrimental to the female side of a subculture. Hazing and driving new kids out leaves the scene stagnant and does not allow it to grow or evolve. With the same girls constantly around, this leaves slim options for the males who want to date within the scene. If these girls are single, they will be surrounded mostly by men, and probably have their internal feelings of alpha females pumped up, and will not want new females coming around. Another reason why this can be extremely harmful is that if people within a local scene date amongst each other. With only a few females around dating the men in the subculture, this will typically cause drama. Say, if there were only 6 males and 2 females in a local scene, this would definitely cause trouble. Also, if a female dates amongst the local scene quite often, this can lead her back to being accused of being an "oi toy" or a "scene whore". Even if she didn't get in because of a boyfriend, she can be accused of these things, and her intentions within a subculture can be questioned just because of her dating habits. Most women outside of subcultures don't get called such names when dating around. The dating world for females within subcultural boundries can be dangerous, dramatic, and disheartening. The need to prove that she is genuine and an individual while dating a man in a subculture can cause many issues within herself and her relationship.
I have honestly never understood the "hazing" into a subculture. When I think "hazing", I think of some dumb frat guys putting a new house member through humiliation. What's the point? Isn't that the sort of mentality we wanted to get away from when we chose to stray from the norms of mainstream society? Why do you want to scare away potential new members of a bands, future dj's, or life-long friends? Shame on anyone who participates in these pointless and degrading tactics - male or female.
Having a healthy, thriving subculture relies on having new blood coming in, and often. Driving new people away, believe it or not, has a domino effect within your local town.
First off, driving people away by not accepting them in the local scene or stating that they need to be hazed in makes you come off like a total jerk. Where ever they're from, they'll tell their friend back home (or non subculture friends that are local), "Yeah, I came here and they expected me to do this, that, and the other to hang out with them. Yeah, I know, ridiculous." Honestly, these games make participants look like total childish buffoons and make said person ashamed to be involved in a subculture. Also, this makes you look like an awful example of a subculture. If you're playing these sorts of childish games, you should honestly do some questioning of your personality and how you treat others in general. As harsh as it may sound, I believe it's true. This could also spread around to other places and give your town a poor representation.
Second, the less people you have in your town, the less often bands will come around. Say a fantastic band comes through your town once, but no one shows up. The impression your town will lay on them is that your town is not a money maker. Most bands don't even get guarantees on the road and solely rely on merch sales to keep their tour afloat and stomachs filled with food. If your town has no one going to shows, they'll skip over your town in future tours. Make sense? So, driving fresh blood out of your scene may also eventually drive out touring bands you want to see.
Another thing I've never understood is why older members within a subculture are so demeaning to younger kids. They, too, were once that age. I'm sure they didn't pop outta mama's womb in full subcultural attire with a stellar record collection. They, too had to go through the ins and outs of growing up and discovering who they are, and Im sure they had some embarrassing records in their collection at one point. Being condescending to these kids is downright hypocritical. If they were treated like that when they were younger, they should be empathetic. Treating new kids like they were treated is wrong, and those two wrongs definitely do not make a right. If you truly love a subculture and music, you want it to grow, evolve, and last against the tests of time. Sharing your love of all these things with younger kids who really don't know where to look helps the subculture grow and forms the brotherly and sisterly bond that is so highly idealized. What is the point of hoarding information?
Rarely do you see younger kids coming around these days who are taken in by older members of a subculture with open arms. If just that were to happen, if people could just get off their mighty high horses...they'd see that most slowly dying subcultures would gain new life. Sure, you may think that these kids are dumb and hopeless, but SO WERE YOU! Don't haze them, don't demean them - just be a positive influence. Being an older "brother" or "sister" can be very rewarding!
Younger girls especially need this positive influence to help prevent them falling into all the sexism and gender roles that subcultures dole out. They need to know that it IS okay to be in a subculture and not be sleeping with someone, or constantly causing drama. They need to know that you can be yourself with outside interests from a subculture. Girls in their teens especially need guidance to help their self esteem, identity, and peer pressure issues. I would assume that most of these girls' parents don't quite understand why they are expressing their femininity in a boy's game. My mother thought I was mental. If I had a female to look up to at that age, those years would've been a lot easier.
I hope things change in the future. I would love to see more women reaching out and cultivating a sense of sisterhood amongst themselves instead of breeding jealousy, cattiness, competition, and two-faced behavior. Negative behavior such as the types I've discussed (from males or females) is detrimental to any subculture. Period. It prevents the cultures and scenes from evolving. Why act in such a manner? No one will benefit from it. Acting with class, dignity and grace will never go out of style and will never be looked down upon. Be secure with your place in the sun and don't concern yourself with anyone else's. Honesty, no one has the authority or right to drive someone out of a subculture - seniority or not.
To those whom have a sense of entitlement - think twice first. Your actions will speak louder than your words.
At Buddy's Moccasins |
Fantastic book that goes over every single faucet of Skinhead Reggae. Has great info on all labels that released Skinhead Reggae titles, as well as the hottest tracks from each label. A great starting point for those beginning to collect vinyl. Definitely points in the right directions and who & what to look for. ***** |
This is an absolutely gorgeous oversized book overflowing with fantastic photos - even some I'm sure you haven't seen before! Not too heavy on the information side, but fantastic for the photography and graphics. Absolutely stunning. A must have! **** |
Absolutely priceless information in this book - this covers every single nook and cranny of the history of reggae and has fantastic little sections of recommended titles, profiles, and side stories. It can drag on in a few parts, but in other parts, it can be downright entertaining. I always refer back to this book if I have any questions. Bust out the notepad and take notes, cause I'm sure you'll learn something from this one. ***** |
A great reference book - but not much else. This isn't very interesting, but if you have some unanswered questions about the history of Trojan and it's subsidiaries, this is your book. Great profiles on all the subsidiaries, and some great insight on the evolution of the UK reggae market. *** |
I'm not done with this book,(so this will be updated), but so far, it's absolutely entertaining - getting what happend from more than one resource. All the big names are here - I'm only about 100 pages in, but I've learned a lot so far. I can't wait to read more. ***** |
Very cool book, indeed. I think the best way to describe this is an grown up pop up book - little photo albums, concert flyers, fake tickets & stickers...Very fun to look at and read! The information isn't as in depth as I'd hope, but the way this whole book was set up is incredible. **** |
Great book - I read this in about three days. Although it really isn't all about facts and whatnot, it really puts the real life into the music industry - it reminds you that there were REAL people behind all the songs you know and love. A very easy read that makes you totally love Rita Marley. ***** |
This was the first ska related book I ever bought when I was in 7th grade. I read it cover to cover immediately. The most interesting thing I still love about this book is all the photos - both press and intimate photos. Flyers, too! Goes into depth about the uprise and sudden crash of Two Tone. Has a complete discography in the back, too. I know this can be hard to get a hold of, but it's a very cool book indeed. *** |